Simon Says is a classic game that can easily be adapted for the pool, providing players with a fun and engaging way to test their listening skills and follow instructions while also enjoying the pool.
The objective is simple: follow the instructions called out by Simon, but only when the instructions start with “Simon Says”.
“Simon says, read the following for rules and gameplay instructions!”
Accessories or Set-Up Needed
To play Simon Says in the pool, the swimming area should have enough space for all participants to move around. Moving outside the pool in the deck area is also fine, but remember to follow basic safety pool rules when outside of the pool.
How To Play Simon Says in the Pool
In the pool version of Simon Says a designated “Simon” calls out various swimming-related tasks for the other players to perform.
Participants must listen carefully and only perform the action if the command is preceded by “Simon says.”
Before Starting, Set the Gameplay
Make sure all participants understand the basic rules and are aware of specific swimming commands or actions that might be called out by “Simon.”
Participants who perform an action without hearing “Simon says” or fail to perform an action when “Simon says” is used are eliminated from the game.
Playing Simon Says
- Designate one person as “Simon” who will call out swimming-related commands
- Position the players in the pool, with enough space for them to move around and perform the actions without impeding one another
- Simon begins calling out commands, with players performing the actions only when “Simon says” is used.
- For example, “Simon says do a 360” should prompt all players to spin around once in the pool. If “Do a 360” is said, no player should be spinning!
- Players are eliminated if:
- They perform a task without the “Simon says” prompt
- They fail to perform the task in a timely manner after “Simon says” is used
- A game can be won by either Simon or another player:
- A participant wins if they are the last player who successfully followed all of the commands
- Simon wins if all players have been eliminated at the same time without one player left. For example, if two or more players fail to pass a task and there are no players left, Simon wins!
- After the game is over, choose a new Simon. It can be either the winner or from a predetermined list.
Simon Says, Follow These Rules
- Do not run around the pool decking area.
- Tasks should not be overly difficult. All players should be able to perform each task given.
- Players must only perform the actions if the command is preceded by “Simon says”.
- Failure to perform an action when “Simon says” is used, or performing an action without “Simon says,” results in elimination.
Stay alert and focused to avoid being caught off guard by unexpected commands. For Simon, vary the way tasks are said. When saying an activity without “Simon says”, act like you are starting the task.
Follow Pool Safety Guidelines
- Ensure all participants are capable swimmers and are able to perform each task adequately.
- Follow all pool safety rules and guidelines throughout the game.
- A parent or guardian should be present at all times during the game.
Simon Says, Have Fun!
Simon Says is a great way to get kids to learn how to follow instructions. Playing in the pool just adds an extra layer of fun and entertainment.
Remember, if Simon doesn’t say it, don’t follow it!