Marco Polo

Marco Polo is a timeless and classic pool game that has been entertaining kids and adults alike for decades.

illustration of marco polo in the pool
Swim Level


Type of Pool

Any Pool

Accessories Needed


Marco Polo is a classic tag-style game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is simple yet entertaining and can be played with a small or large group of people in the pool, making it an excellent choice for parties and gatherings.

If you’re new to the game, this guide will teach you the rules, how to play, and some popular variations.

Accessories or Additional Set Up Needed

No special accessories or equipment are needed to play, just a swimming pool and a group of eager participants.

How to Play Marco Polo

The general premise of Marco Polo is a game of tag. One player is chosen to be “it”, or Marco and the other players are “Polo.”

Marco is either blindfolded or closes their eyes while they try and tag a Polo who is moving around the pool. A round is over when Marco tags a Polo.


  • The game begins with Marco closing their eyes and counting aloud to 20, giving Polos a chance to scatter around the pool. When the counting is over, the game begins!
  • The game is played with Marco calling out his name (“Marco!”). The other players must respond by calling out “Polo!” This helps Marco locate them by following their voices.
  • Marco, with their eyes, closed, attempts to tag Polos while listening for their “Polo!” responses.
  • When Marco successfully tags another player, the round is over. That player then becomes the new Marco and a new round starts with a countdown

Rules of Marco Polo

The rules of Marco Polo are fairly simple to follow:

  • Marco must keep their eyes closed at all times. No peeking!
  • All Polo players are spread out around the pool.
  • A new Marco is

Tips and Strategies

  1. Listen carefully to the other players’ voices when calling out “Marco.”
  2. Move silently and unpredictably to make it more difficult for the “it” player to find you.
  3. Use splashing or other distractions to confuse the “it” player.

Variations of Marco Polo

  1. Silent Polo: Players do not have to respond with “Polo” when the “it” player calls out “Marco.” This makes locating others more challenging for the “it” player.
  2. Blind Marco Polo: All players must wear blindfolds, playing the game entirely by sound.
  3. Dolphin Polo: Players pretend to be dolphins, and the Marco player becomes a trainer who must tag the dolphins.
  4. Team Polo: Divide players into two teams, with one team being “it” and the other team trying to avoid getting caught.

Safety Precautions to Follow

Taking safety precautions while playing Marco Polo is important to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid Running Near the Pool Edge: Players should avoid running near the pool edge to prevent slipping and falling.
  2. Don’t Dunk or Push Other Players: Dunking or pushing other players can cause injuries or accidents.
  3. Use Appropriate Safety Gear: Players should use appropriate safety gear, such as life jackets if they are not confident swimmers.


Don’t forget to try out the variations and strategies mentioned above to add excitement to the game.

Happy swimming and enjoy playing Marco Polo with your loved ones!

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