Pool noodles, those colorful foam tubes, are a staple of summer fun in the pool. But did you know that their potential goes far beyond being a simple floatation device?
These flexible and lightweight toys offer a multitude of possibilities for inventing exciting and engaging games, both inside and outside the swimming pool.
Pool Noodles, 5-Pack
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Let’s explore some of the best pool noodle games that demonstrate the versatility of this durable pool accessory.
Pool Noodle Games to Play Inside the Pool
The versatility of pool noodles shines when used for water-based games. Their buoyant and flexible nature makes them an excellent tool for entertaining water activities.
They can be used to enhance traditional pool games as well as create new and unique games to play with friends.
1. Pool Noodle Jousting
In pool noodle jousting, the objective is to knock your opponent off their floating raft or tube using only a pool noodle. Be careful, however, as attacking and trying to maintain balance can become quite difficult!
Variations of the game can include sitting on the shoulders of another player, like a chicken fight, or having a battle royale with more than two players jousting at a time.
2. Noodle Races

In this relay race, players hold a noodle on their arms and swim across the pool using only their feet to propel themselves forward.
It’s a race to the other side, testing both speed and coordination. Depending on the racers’ ages and sizes, multiple noodles might be necessary to stay floating!
3. Noodle Ring Toss
Think of this as a water version of horseshoes. Cut some pool noodles into rings and have players aim to toss them onto either a target noodle or a raft.
The noodles can either be temporarily taped together or for a more permanent solution, can be super-glued.
4. Noodle Dolphin Relay
The noodle dolphin relay is a variation of the classic dolphin race. Each team member has to swim from one side of the pool and back while taking a pool noodle with them.
However, swimmers cannot touch the noodles with their hands, instead using their heads or any other part of their body! It’s a fun, cooperative spin on traditional relay races.
5. Noodle Tug-of-War
This is a game of strength. It is played like a typical tug-of-war game, with the exception of using a pool noodle rather than a rope. The objective is to pull the other player across a designated line or marker in the pool.
Noodle tug-of-war should be played between two players because for the most part noodles aren’t long enough to accommodate more players.
6. Bobbing for Noodles

In this pool noodle game, players race to collect as many cut noodle pieces as they can within a certain amount of time. It’s a fun and frantic scramble that can accommodate a large group of players.
To make it a bit more challenging, have each player blindfolded as they look for the pieces!
7. Noodle Tag
Add a twist to the classic game of tag by using pool noodles as your arms. The person who is “it” uses the noodles to tag other players.
Once tagged, that player must hold the noodles until they tag someone else.
8. Noodle Hoops
Shape a pool noodle into a ring and have players toss balls or other pool toys through it. Make it more challenging by making rings of different sizes. The smaller the noodle ring, the more points scored when throwing it in.
You can also play a game of basketball, golf, or any other variation. Use your creativity!
9. Noodle Balance
Noodle balance is a very simple game. Each player must balance a pool noodle on their head. The last one with the noodle still on its head wins!
Up the difficulty by changing the sizes of the noodle, or perhaps having all participants go to the deep end where they have to tread water while still keeping the noodle balanced.
10. Just Float!
Had enough fun with noodles? Take a break and just float! Take a couple of noodles, place them on your shoulders and behind your knees, and just let the water take you around the pool.
Noodles aren’t all about games and craziness. Sometimes, all you need is just a relaxing day in the pool to soak up the sun.
Pool Noodle Games: for Outside the Pool
The fun doesn’t have to stop when you step out of the water and into the yard. Pool noodles can also serve as excellent tools for outdoor games and activities.
1. Noodle Soccer
Soccer is a great sport and activity to play because you can essentially use anything as a goal. Pool noodles are no exception! Set up two goals using noodles and start a game of futbol with your friends!
2. Noodle Obstacle Course
Create an obstacle course using pool noodles. Use them as hoops to climb through, hurdles to jump over, or markers to run around. Make it as long and complicated or as short and simple as you want!
3. Noodle Tag
Just like the pool version, but on grass. Playing outside gives players a bit more room to maneuver and try to avoid being tagged.
4. Noodle Ring Toss

This is also just like the version you can play in the pool. Cut a pool noodle into rings and set up a stake in the ground, which can also be a noodle. Players aim to toss the rings onto the stake from a certain distance.
Score the game like traditional horseshoes or any other variation you like.
5. Noodle Baseball
Who needs bats and balls when you have pool noodles and beach balls? Use a pool noodle as the bat and a beach ball as the baseball.
It’s a safer game for younger children and a fun twist on America’s pastime.
6. Noodle Golf
This game takes a bit of imagination and creativity. Use a pool noodle as the golf club and a beach ball as the golf ball. Set up a course and see who can get through it with the fewest strokes.
Bonus points by using a noodle ring as the hole.
7. Noodle Limbo
Hold a pool noodle horizontally and have players try to go under it without touching it or falling over. Lower the noodle after each round. The last man standing wins!
8. Noodle Balance Beam
This game takes balance and coordination. Lay a pool noodle on the ground and have players try to walk along it without stepping off. It’s a great game for improving balance and motor skills.
Make it more challenging by connecting multiple noodles in a zig-zag-like pattern.
9. Noodle Archery
Form a hoop or ring with a pool noodle, hang it from a tree branch, and have players try and throw balls through it.
Make it a bit more challenging by including rings of different sizes and throwing from further distances
10. Noodle Sword Fight
Have a pretend sword fight using pool noodles. Let kids show their creative side and wear “armor” from other toys and accessories.
It’s a safer alternative to sword fights with plastic swords and allows kids to unleash their imaginations.
Game On!
As you can tell, pool noodles are not just for floating around. They are versatile toys that can be used to create a myriad of games, both inside and outside the water. The best part about it is that they are relatively inexpensive compared to other pool toys
So next time you see a pool noodle, remember all the potential fun and games that are waiting to be had!