Wet T-Shirt Relay Race

The Wet T-Shirt Relay Race is a lively and amusing swimming pool game that adds an extra challenge to traditional relay races. How fast can you swim in a heavy shirt?

illustration of a wet t-shirt relay race
Swim Level


Type of Pool


Accessories Needed


The wet t-shirt relay race is an entertaining relay that is perfect for kids of all ages. It is a great way to inject some laughter and fun into any pool day.

This pool game combines the excitement of a swimming race with the added twist of a wet shirt to make swimming a bit more uncomfortable!

Accessories or Set Up Needed

It’s ideal to have a rectangular-style pool with a long length for a comfortable relay race. As there will be diving involved, a pool with a deep end is required.

If there is no deep end, alter the race so that players stay in the pool at all times. Swimming can start without any diving.

Each team will also need a t-shirt to pass around during the race. Both shirts would preferably be the same to ensure fairness.

How To Start a Wet T-Shirt Relay

The objective of this race is for teams to pass a soaked t-shirt between teammates as quickly as possible while racing from one end of the pool to the other.

The team that has each player complete their lap in the race first wins.

Setting Up the Race

Before starting, establish the starting and ending point for each lap. Typically, each player will swim to one length of the pool and back, finishing where they started.

Additionally, think of any extra rules or guidelines on switching the shirt. It could be that only the person with the shirt on can remove it, or the team as a whole removes it at the same time.


  • Before the wet t-shirt race starts, the players going first from each team will soak their shirts into the pool.
  • At the start signal, the first participants from each team put on the wet t-shirt. They will then dive into the pool and swim from one end of the pool and back.
  • Upon reaching the other end, the participant gets out of the pool and removes the wet t-shirt as quickly as possible, and passes it to the next teammate.
  • The process continues until all team members have completed a lap.
  • The team that finishes the race first wins!

Rules to Follow

  • Participants must wear the shirt while swimming their portion of the race. It must be worn like a normal shirt with both arms in the sleeves.
  • The shirt must be fully removed before being passed to the next teammate.
  • Teams must complete the race without interfering with other team members.

Choosing the Best Strategy to Win

Teams should focus on efficient and quick t-shirt transfers between teammates. A good strategy to remove it is to flip the shirt inside out after each round. Practicing smooth transitions and coordinating as a team can help save valuable seconds of race time.

Also, with any pool race, strong swimming skills, and stamina can give teams an advantage on each lap.

Variations to Play

  1. Instead of a t-shirt, each team must wear a long-sleeve shirt or sweatshirt.
  2. Players who have the shirt on are not able to put on or remove the shirt. This must be done by teammates only.

Safety Precautions to Follow

  • Ensure all participants are confident swimmers and comfortable in the pool. As this is a swimming relay race, each participant must be able to swim both lengths of the pool
  • Establish clear lanes for each team to prevent collisions during the race

Ready, Set, Swim!

The Wet T-Shirt Relay is a great way to have some lighthearted competition with your friends. It’s also a great way for kids to develop their swimming skills in the water. 

Always remember that pool games are meant to be fun and entertaining. So, get that shirt wet and race your way to victory!

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